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Developmental Editing: Existing Outline/Site Structure

This is the outline of the site structure as it existed in October, 2002. Square brackets ([]) enclose descriptors of untitled sections.

  1. about
    1. Copyright and Reprint Info
      1. Physical Reprints (Paper Publishing)
      2. Electronic and Online Reproduction
      3. Linking to useit.com
      4. Copying Style Sheets and Artwork
      5. Fair Use Quotes
      6. Translation Rights
    2. Why This Site Has Almost No Graphics
    3. Statistics for Referred Traffic
  2. alertbox
    1. The Alertbox: Current Issues in Web Usability
      1. Current Column
      2. Email Newsletter
      3. Previous Columns
      4. History of the Alertbox Column
  3. books
    1. Recommended Books
      1. [Books on Topics Other than Web Design]
      2. Web Design Books
      3. How to Buy
  4. homepageusability
    1. Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed
      1. [Introductory Information]
      2. Study Guide
      3. Reviews and Articles About the Book
      4. Have Us Review Your Homepage
      5. Book Table of Contents
      6. Errata
      7. [Other information]
  5. hotlist
    1. Recommended Other Websites
      1. [Best Bets]
      2. Home Page Spotlights → /hotlist/spotlight.html
      3. Regular Columns
      4. Some Good Sites
      5. Other UI Hotlists
    2. Press Coverage of Jakob Nielsen
      1. [Articles of Interest]
      2. Additional Press Coverage
  6. jakob
    1. Jakob Nielsen has been called:
      1. the king of usability
      2. one of the top ten minds in small business
      3. number 6 of the Web’s 10 most influential people
      4. [Additional quotes...]
    2. [Photos]
      1. Additional high-resolution photos are available for download → /jakob/photos/
    3. [Professional Status]
      1. Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D., is a User Advocate and principal of the Nielsen Norman Group which he co-founded with Dr. Donald A. Norman (former VP of research at Apple Computer). → www.nngroup.com, www.jnd.org
      2. Until 1998 he was a Sun Microsystems Distinguished Engineer.
    4. [Dr. Nielsen as Innovator]
      1. Dr. Nielsen founded the "discount usability engineering" movement for fast and cheap improvements of user interfaces and has invented several usability methods, including heuristic evaluation. → /papers/heuristic/
      2. He holds 68 United States patents, mainly on ways of making the Internet easier to use.
    5. Jakob Nielsen’s Publication List (publications.html)
      1. Books
      2. Patents
      3. Papers in Refereed Journals and Prestigious Conferences
      4. Other Published Papers
      5. Panel Statements and Other Published Position Papers
      6. Writings on Educational Issues in User Interface Design
      7. Trip Reports → /papers/tripreports/
      8. Book Reviews, Etc.
      9. Tutorials
      10. Press Coverage
      11. Selected Technical Reports
      12. Interviews and press coverage → /hotlist/interviews.html
      13. Public presentations → /jakob/showtimes.html
    6. Column
      1. Alertbox column on Web usability, published on the Internet since 1995→ /alertbox/
    7. Books
      1. Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed, 2001 (113 guidelines for homepage design) → /homepageusability/
      2. Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity, 2000: a quarter million copies in print; 15 languages → /jakob/webusability/
      3. Usability Engineering, 1994: textbook on the methods needed to make interfaces easier to use → /jakob/useengbook.html
      4. Multimedia and Hypertext: The Internet and Beyond, 1995: second edition of textbook on linked online information → /jakob/mmhtbook.html
      5. Usability Inspection Methods, 1994 (co-editor with Robert L. Mack): with chapters by each of the inventors of these methods → /jakob/inspectbook.html
      6. International User Interfaces, 1996 (co-editor with Elisa del Galdo) → /jakob/intluibook.html
      7. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction Vol. 5, 1995 (editor) → /jakob/ahci5book.html
      8. Hypertext and Hypermedia, 1990: the first edition of classic textbook (no longer in print) → /jakob/hthmbook.html
      9. Designing User Interfaces for International Use, 1990 (editor) → /jakob/intlusebook.html
      10. Coordinating User Interfaces for Consistency, 1989 (editor): still the best book on how to get a standard look-and-feel (reprint edition published 2002) → /jakob/constbook.html
    8. Professional Background
      1. [Usability lead at Sun]
      2. [Earlier Affiliations and Education]
      3. [Morgan Kaufmann editorial board member]
      4. Professional journal editorial board memberships:
      5. [Recognition and Awards]
    9. [Contact Information]
      1. Address
      2. Email
      3. Office
      4. Website
    10. [Common Name Misspellings]
  7. papers
    1. Papers and Essays by Jakob Nielsen
      1. [Section Notes]
      2. Alertbox
      3. Papers
      4. Essays
      5. Website Makeovers
    2. Ten Biggest Thinkers of the 20th Century
      1. [List Organization]
      2. [The Thinkers]
      3. [List Bias]
  8. search

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